Thursday, 8 November 2018

Job seeker denied job for possessing 200k worth of smartphone

A job seeker was recently denied a ob he applied for because he was having two phones wortk over 200k on his person.

According to a Twitter user who reported the incident, the interviewer was quoted as sayng that if he couldn't add value to himself with what he was carrying, there could have been no way he would add value to the company.

Well, there are a number of ways of looking at this. Phones are in grades and have different functionalities. As such, it would not be fair to judge him based on the worth of his phone, because there may some specialized function or something that necessitated buying the phone. It could also be a gift. on the other hand, there could be the thing of misplaced priority on the part of the job seeker; it happens. Either way, assessment should have been based on his qualification and not what he possesses. 
My take.
Whats yours? 

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