Wednesday, 10 February 2016



Nature has a subliminal way of communicating to man its point of view regarding anything, particularly when its course has been altered, tampered with or even out rightly violated. It has its own fight-back mechanism, its exclusive alarm system that does not fail in communicating effectively how it feels. Conversely, when its argument is accepted wholeheartedly, there is a kind of peace, balance and cohesion that cannot be rivalled by any other solution other than going back to the drawing board, Nature’s drawing board.
  It is true that the concept of virginity today is one that is deemed overrated, trodden down and somewhat regarded as a Stone-Age phenomenon. At best, the exclamation one would get on hearing the status of the other would be a wow, and very few wows are that of admiration and respect, as opposed to the gamut of wows that are borne out of the feeling that the virgin is outlandish and not in tune with the trends and times. Some people actually go ahead to postulate obnoxious and spurious medical theories of health repercussions that would arise when a man or woman attains a certain age without doing the do. To crown the moral rot, most people run to town with these hypotheses, and actually act on the aegis of its fear, without a certain proof of its tenability.
  It is also as real as the midday sun, that virginity is a virtue which terms of reference has been unfairly restricted to the female folk. The woman is expected to be chaste and pure while waiting for Mr Right, while it is deemed societally okay for the man to go on a sexual philandering, exploring and conquering, for as long as he desires. While the society has handed the world wholesale to the man, it does not in any way negate the fact that what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Again, because of the perversion and the level of moral depravity that is the order of the day, even the concept of virginity has become departmentalized and technicalized. There are the primary, secondary and tertiary virgins, their definitions and terms of classifications as sparse as the Sahara.
  The definition of the term virgin is as simple as it gets-anything that begins to demand copious and repeated explanation to drive home a single point is a shady one, as i recently learned. For avoidance of ambiguity, a virgin is one who has not had sexual experience of any kind, requested or accidental. Experience here precludes everything that is not the fusion of the male and female reproductive organs-books, movies, fantasies, chancing on other people in the act, and everything else  in that bracket. As it would seem, the ones which fall in the accidental column would be the ones which the sin-charged atmosphere currently holding sway has forced on us, but the truth remains that an image, and opinion has been engraved on the mind of the receiver, which are most times unwholesome, and would take enormous mental and spiritual effort to erase.
  The consummation and height of the sexual experience would be the actual union of both coital equipment, and like the opening statement, nature has made it so that both sexes ought to stay innocent of conjugal experience until the marriage act is consummated. And like the stars, the advantages and blessings are legion. Even what is termed a disadvantage is often seen as such through defiled spectacles, and cannot possibly count where nature has already put a stamp of approval. If the man and his wife married as virgins, the issue of cheating and inordinate bedroom demands and desires are practically non-existent. Very few people know that since sex brought about human life, any slip in anything concerning it will automatically spell wrong for both the person and the larger society. The issue of low libido and lack of sexual prowess cannot arise, since there has been no prior experience to compare it with. The bond between the couple is second to none. There can be no boredom whatsoever. The procreation of God-fearing, sane and high-flying children is sure-banker. And i dare say, the route to heaven is straighter and easier.
It is because virginity has become utopic that the world spiritual and marital has been turned to an amphitheatre of drama, rot and riot. And Nature keeps watching, chin in hand, waiting for those who can retrace their steps and come crawling back to her.

Ogbonna Nnaemeka Henry.

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